1.   Alice squeezed the wet sponge.

2.   Any joint compound you may smear on the wood bead can be washed off with a wet sponge.

3.   Best treatment is cleaning with a heavy-duty detergent and water, or maybe sprinkle a bit of scouring powder on a wet sponge and rub clean, then rinse.

4.   A. Dampen the upholstery with a wet sponge, then sprinkle a whole bunch of baking soda on the damp surface.

5.   Herb Nikirk sat on the sidewalk with a pair of tweezers and a wet sponge, sticking tiny pictures of James Dean onto envelopes.

6.   I wipe a wet sponge on the floor and it looks great wet, but when it dries the film remains.

7.   Let it dry, then wipe with a wet sponge.

8.   Or, instead of varnishing a small area to see how it looks, you could simply dampen an area with a wet sponge.

9.   Scrape off excess and wipe smooth with a wet sponge, or wait a few days and sand smooth.

10.   Rinse thoroughly by sponging with a wet sponge, not soaking the needlepoint.

a. + sponge >>共 102
wet 14.21%
damp 10.15%
dry 4.57%
killer 2.54%
natural 2.54%
little 2.03%
blue 2.03%
yellow 2.03%
small 2.03%
contraceptive 1.52%
wet + n. >>共 459
weather 10.79%
market 8.96%
snow 6.69%
condition 3.86%
towel 3.22%
grass 2.19%
season 2.03%
pavement 1.71%
road 1.55%
hair 1.47%
sponge 1.11%
每页显示:    共 28