1.   And, Coverdale has filled five shelves in a glass cabinet with ceramic angels sent by well wishers.

2.   But there already were hundreds of well wishers an hour later when Norstrom reached Colorado Boulevard and Los Robles Avenue in Pasadena to carry the Olympic relay torch.

3.   Calls from well wishers were pouring in from all over the country.

4.   Danza credits his complete recovery to relentless physical training and to what might be called the power of well wishers.

5.   Millionaire former investment banker U.S. Rep. Ellen Tauscher entered a party at her four-story townhouse after her first day in Congress amid cheers from well wishers.

6.   Surrounded by a throng of police, media and well wishers, the Goldmans and Sharon Rufo walked to the Doubletree where they met with reporters.

7.   A convoy of three buses and an ambulance bearing signs of the International Committee of the Red Cross inched past the border toward thousands of relatives and well wishers.

8.   Aides gave no indication of his reaction to his acquittal, but said some well wishers visited him.

9.   Among well wishers were President Stipe Mesic, who sent a telegram from Indonesia where he is on an official visit, and Prime Minister Ivica Racan.

10.   As he left the shop, Clinton shook hands with a group of Russian well wishers.

a. + wisher >>共 2
well 96.43%
russian 3.57%
well + n. >>共 325
water 11.96%
being 5.19%
wisher 3.89%
erm 3.46%
site 1.73%
wish 1.59%
one 1.44%
student 1.30%
people 1.01%
man 1.01%
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