1.   Already well received by selected retail outlets, it is being used for window and in-store displays.

2.   So I did really enjoy reading this report, a well written report, and for me well received, and I offer my congratulations for it.

3.   These arguments have been well received in the hard-hit US industries of textiles and metals.

4.   The Irish plan was well received but the Greek economy continues to be the cause of deep concern, several ministers said.

v. + receive >>共 130
confirm 8.81%
register 3.08%
build 2.64%
honor 2.64%
be 2.64%
do 2.64%
use 2.64%
meet 2.20%
open 2.20%
well 2.20%
well + v. >>共 83
know 10.40%
do 10.40%
be 8.09%
prepare 5.20%
play 2.89%
receive 2.89%
educate 2.31%
treat 2.31%
go 1.73%
depend 1.73%
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