1.   Five months were allowed for dispatch of last welding rods and elsie transfers on opening and presentation.

2.   Many of them walk with canes now but once they wielded a mean welding rod as they built ships for the war effort.

3.   Stabbed him with a welding rod.

4.   You moved the welding rod in tiny, circular motions, making half-crescents.

a. + rod >>共 179
metal 20.77%
lightening 4.29%
threaded 3.16%
nuclear 2.71%
spent 2.26%
wooden 2.03%
thin 1.81%
plastic 1.81%
new 1.35%
measuring 1.35%
welding 0.90%
welding + n. >>共 66
torch 13.37%
work 12.30%
equipment 7.49%
shop 4.81%
job 3.74%
spark 3.74%
tool 3.21%
machine 2.67%
rod 2.14%
seam 2.14%
每页显示:    共 4