1.   The figures are statistically weighted to represent sales in all such outlets nationwide.

2.   Results were weighted to represent the population by demographic factors such as age, sex, region and education.

3.   The results were weighted to represent the population by key demographic factors such as age, sex, region and education.

4.   The results were weighted to represent the population by demographic factors such as age, sex, region and education.

v. + represent >>共 84
be 15.29%
use 15.29%
retain 3.53%
draw 2.35%
set_up 2.35%
weight 2.35%
compete 1.76%
lawyer 1.76%
can 1.18%
append 1.18%
weight + v. >>共 21
reflect 22.22%
favor 8.89%
give 8.89%
represent 8.89%
accord 6.67%
base 6.67%
account 4.44%
match 4.44%
alter 2.22%
derive 2.22%
每页显示:    共 4