1.   But it is hard to imagine a test that would not be weighted to favor muscular fitness-related measurements.

2.   Only the first three spots are open, and those are weighted to favor the bad teams.

3.   The lottery is weighted to favor season-ticket holders who have had seats the longest and who have the most seats.

4.   The lottery will be held in New York and is modeled after the one used by the NBA and is weighted to favor teams with the poorest records.

v. + favor >>共 50
return 12.50%
rig 12.50%
be 8.33%
draw 4.17%
weight 4.17%
pass 3.13%
say 3.13%
beat 2.08%
include 2.08%
redraw 2.08%
weight + v. >>共 21
reflect 22.22%
favor 8.89%
give 8.89%
represent 8.89%
accord 6.67%
base 6.67%
account 4.44%
match 4.44%
alter 2.22%
derive 2.22%
每页显示:    共 4