1.   On Sunday he played squash and on weekday mornings he jogged for twenty minutes before work.

2.   She waited for a little while and then the tram came, half-empty on a weekday morning.

3.   There were not many people at the pool on this weekday morning.

4.   I mainly run and organise the playgroup sessions which take place each weekday morning, usually for two and a half hours.

5.   He also, each cricketless weekday morning, is responsible for the best radio show on UK airwaves.

6.   An ESPN audience on a weekday morning undoubtedly consists mainly of discerning golf fans.

7.   And so every weekday morning, black children wake before dawn for a journey that is as much a commute between cultures as between neighborhoods.

8.   And on this weekday morning, she is darting through traffic in her gold Camry and talking about marketing her literary tour to book clubs in the white suburbs.

9.   Before the sun rises over the East River each weekday morning, a peculiar ritual is performed in the heart of Queens.

n. + morning >>共 112
weekday 16.51%
winter 14.15%
spring 9.91%
summer 8.49%
sun 6.60%
weekend 4.25%
hour 4.01%
week 3.77%
fall 2.83%
election 1.18%
weekday + n. >>共 100
morning 23.10%
afternoon 15.84%
lunch 3.96%
evening 3.30%
night 3.30%
game 1.98%
paper 1.98%
meal 1.65%
crowd 1.65%
schedule 1.65%
每页显示:    共 70