1.   Almost half of all weekday meals are prepared in a half hour or less, according to the NPD Group, which studies consumer trends.

2.   But her own weekday meals are repetitive.

3.   The chicken and the orzo plus a salad make for a fine weekday meal.

4.   Their picks are suitable both for weekday meals and holiday dinners.

5.   This is dessert that has the mark of a grandmother, whipping up a quick cake for a weekday meal.

n. + meal >>共 257
soybean 9.98%
soy 9.80%
restaurant 5.27%
holiday 4.81%
gourmet 4.62%
school 3.23%
midday 3.23%
fish 2.96%
matzo 1.94%
summer 1.85%
weekday 0.46%
weekday + n. >>共 100
morning 23.10%
afternoon 15.84%
lunch 3.96%
evening 3.30%
night 3.30%
game 1.98%
paper 1.98%
meal 1.65%
crowd 1.65%
schedule 1.65%
每页显示:    共 5