1.   This one was worn to open a playgroup in Bletchley.

2.   Eliminate the gown, crown and robe Queen Elizabeth II wears to open Parliament?

3.   Host Sandra Bernhard made several costume changes during the evening, but her most outlandish attire was the Mackie outfit she wore to open the show.

v. + open >>共 152
single 8.56%
use 6.30%
double 4.53%
work 4.28%
walk 3.27%
be 3.02%
rush 2.77%
apply 2.52%
pass 2.02%
negotiate 2.02%
wear 1.01%
wear + v. >>共 117
make 5.98%
protect 4.35%
show 3.26%
work 3.26%
look 2.72%
be 2.17%
open 2.17%
conceal 2.17%
bear 1.63%
say 1.63%
每页显示:    共 4