1.   At least you remembered to wear the lens in the right one.

2.   As though to emphasize it, the man it depicts is already wearing corrective lenses.

3.   A child may desperately want to wear lenses, but lack the dexterity and discipline that is necessary to care for them.

4.   But people are paying for the convenience of wearing lenses for a single day and then throwing them out.

5.   For computer-related eye problems, doctors sometimes advise a step as simple as blinking, both for patients who wear corrective lenses and those who do not.

6.   He was also required to wear corrective lenses.

7.   My daughter-in-law Kris also wears disposable lenses.

8.   Now Ohio State researchers have developed lenses worn only at night that temporarily reshape the cornea.

9.   People who wear soft lenses are required to remove their lenses about three days before the exam.

10.   Sutton and Hinton argue that United illegally rejected them to be pilots because of their poor vision, even though their sight is fine when they wear corrective lenses.

v. + lens >>共 118
make 6.30%
use 5.51%
have 5.12%
wear 4.72%
replace 4.33%
train 3.54%
focus 3.15%
aim 2.76%
remove 2.76%
turn 2.36%
wear + n. >>共 693
uniform 4.61%
clothes 3.76%
mask 2.90%
helmet 2.52%
suit 2.24%
glove 2.19%
hat 2.04%
shoe 1.70%
glass 1.65%
clothing 1.48%
lens 0.08%
每页显示:    共 12