1.   Any easing of U.S. sanctions should be linked to tighter Chinese controls on the sale or transfer of unconventional weapons technologies.

2.   Both nations have an interest in countering Islamic extremism, particularly in Pakistan, which New Delhi and Washington have each accused of receiving weapons technology from China.

3.   But at least the story illuminated just how bizarre, complex, and widespread is the international market for advanced weapons technology.

4.   But this dispute arises whenever the administration chooses to use secret intelligence to discourage Russia, China and other nations from spreading weapons technology.

5.   He told a worried questioner from Italy that Russia is not selling weapons technology to would-be nuclear powers.

6.   Helms has offered five amendments to protect U.S. weapons technology and strengthen monitoring and verification procedures.

7.   In exchange the European Union and Russia agreed to tighten control of the export of weapons technology to Iran.

8.   Lifting them now would open the way for joint military operations and the sale of non-nuclear weapons technology to India.

9.   Moscow angrily responded that it was meeting its obligations under international treaties to prevent the transfer of weapons technology.

10.   Research and development of weapons technology is the major focus at Picatinny.

n. + technology >>共 1120
information 15.44%
computer 8.17%
missile 6.61%
communication 2.92%
encryption 2.21%
satellite 1.91%
weapon 1.78%
space 1.05%
recognition 0.94%
defense 0.94%
weapon + n. >>共 502
inspector 17.62%
program 8.66%
inspection 5.70%
fire 4.57%
site 4.09%
charge 3.91%
possession 2.43%
sale 2.36%
ban 2.14%
team 1.90%
technology 1.36%
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