1.   The United States would act to verify weapons seizures and jailings, according to AP.

2.   The weapon seizure comes at a delicate moment in relations between Germany and Iran, which have considerable trade ties.

3.   Carabinieri Col. Emanuele Garelli said the weapons seizure was made following a lengthy investigation, and the weapons were stashed between stacks of lumber.

4.   NATO-led troops and U.N. police also raided a nearby Bosnian Serb police station at Koraj, but no details were available of any weapons seizures.

5.   Prosecutors who handled the split sex assault and weapons cases have seven days to appeal the ruling by Curran that the weapons seizure was illegal.

6.   Recent weapons seizures in the Republic of Ireland and Croatia indicate that dissidents have purchased weapons through Yugoslav sources, including compact rocket launchers.

7.   The preparations and weapons seizure appeared designed to show the government is standing tough and to prepare citizens for any attempt to break the siege.

8.   The United States would assume the role of verifying both the weapons seizures and the jailings, the sources told The Associated Press.

9.   Weapons seizures by U.S.-led coalition troops are frequent in eastern Afghanistan, where the hunt for al-Qaida and Taliban remnants continues.

10.   Video of the weapons seizure was aired on all six television stations Tuesday to sway popular opinion against Ranariddh.

n. + seizure >>共 76
land 20.17%
drug 19.89%
cocaine 4.76%
weapon 4.48%
heroin 3.36%
year 3.08%
government 2.80%
property 2.52%
heart 2.24%
farm 2.24%
weapon + n. >>共 502
inspector 17.62%
program 8.66%
inspection 5.70%
fire 4.57%
site 4.09%
charge 3.91%
possession 2.43%
sale 2.36%
ban 2.14%
team 1.90%
seizure 0.22%
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