1.   But their secret weapon remains Leonid Arkayev.

2.   The actual weapon remains a mystery.

3.   The document verifies that the weapons will remain in the buyer country and not be resold or transferred.

4.   The group, which includes some of the main designers of the American nuclear arsenal, found that computer simulations could provide ample assurance that the weapons remained reliable.

5.   The weapons either remained or were brought back in, which is why they were still a menace to Sarajevo this year.

6.   The weapon remains, but for a while this season it was stuck in the holster or scattering pellets.

7.   Their heavy weapons will remain in Bosnia.

8.   Today, fingers are pointing wildly at Grachev, Yeltsin and a spate of other leaders for knowingly letting weapons remain in Chechen hands.

9.   But he said far too many weapons of war remain loose in the world.

10.   Civilians claimed that several groups of ethnic Albanian militants armed with infantry weapons remained in control of the villages.

n. + remain >>共 1272
question 1.83%
market 1.57%
investor 1.56%
inflation 1.40%
price 1.29%
issue 1.20%
people 1.10%
problem 1.03%
economy 0.90%
difference 0.88%
weapon 0.04%
weapon + v. >>共 297
be 46.17%
have 2.58%
include 2.25%
come 2.06%
become 1.22%
seize 1.16%
remain 1.09%
go 1.09%
find 1.03%
fire 0.90%
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