1.   And he sends business their way, with the companies he invests in looking to J.P. Morgan Chase for loans and advice.

2.   Barr thinks the private, Washington-based non-profit organization, which pays local groups to represent the poor, is not doing business the way it should.

3.   Active owners do business this way, from their beach houses.

4.   But a growing number of people in the air travel industry also believe that a fundamental change is occurring in the way businesses and businesspeople plan their travel.

5.   But they took too long to throw business our way.

6.   Hard business that way.

7.   If he ran his real-estate business the way he does the Clippers, acres upon acres of Beverly Hills would sit weed-choked but otherwise empty.

8.   If the driver runs his Internet business the way he maintains his car, his customers are in for a wild, wild ride.

9.   Many of the airlines have structured incentive deals with both online and bricks-and-mortar travel agents, giving them special fees for directing business their way.

10.   Mitsubishi strong-armed its affiliate companies to move into its Tennozu complex, suggesting it would send business their way, people in the real estate industry said.

n. + business >>共 1115
core 3.69%
music 2.20%
service 1.70%
movie 1.46%
retail 1.42%
security 1.40%
export 1.31%
entertainment 1.24%
computer 1.18%
management 1.16%
way 0.14%
way + n. >>共 1547
thing 5.09%
people 2.45%
game 1.62%
life 0.99%
team 0.94%
money 0.91%
work 0.73%
man 0.70%
put 0.63%
business 0.60%
每页显示:    共 23