1.   A variety of garden hose spray nozzles can meet your every watering need, and in most cases they are all contained in one hand-held adjustable tool.

2.   In this case, it also means grouping plants with similar watering needs.

3.   Mulches hold down weeds, can unify texture and color, and reduce watering needs.

4.   Watering needs are comparable to those for slicing onions and most winter vegetables.

a. + need >>共 916
urgent 6.47%
special 4.85%
desperate 4.38%
basic 3.33%
dire 3.21%
immediate 2.43%
pressing 2.38%
financial 1.92%
medical 1.66%
humanitarian 1.51%
watering 0.07%
watering + n. >>共 48
restriction 11.22%
bans 7.14%
system 7.14%
eye 5.10%
hose 5.10%
trough 5.10%
need 4.08%
ban 4.08%
spot 4.08%
chore 3.06%
每页显示:    共 4