1.   Nuclear waste will pollute the environment for centuries.

2.   Both shrimp and salmon farms use pesticides and antibiotics, and their waste pollutes surrounding areas, says McCosker.

3.   Small farmers used to get away with letting their waste pollute groundwaters and the Bosque River.

4.   Concrete roads and buildings send temperatures soaring, traffic exhausts cause severe pollution as well as global warming, and human and industrial waste pollutes rivers and water courses.

5.   Others showed up because industrial waste has polluted their crops and water.

n. + pollute >>共 98
factory 3.62%
company 3.62%
waste 3.62%
car 2.90%
country 2.90%
mine 2.17%
industry 2.17%
money 2.17%
sewage 2.17%
spill 2.17%
waste + v. >>共 124
be 39.96%
come 3.71%
contain 2.84%
have 2.62%
include 2.40%
cause 2.40%
flow 1.97%
continue 1.53%
leak 1.53%
remain 1.31%
pollute 1.09%
每页显示:    共 5