1.   Energy is being wasted by using artificial lighting when daylight is adequate.

2.   I would not Augment difficulties by protesting against them, as this only led to failure and wasted energy.

3.   Most businesses today simply burn the emissions in a closed incinerator, wasting energy from the fire.

4.   PICTURES go on show this week illustrating how much heat energy is being wasted in Belfast.

5.   Also, restricting the intake of air and fuel in the engine, known as throttling, produces friction that wastes energy.

6.   At this crucial time of year, raptors often waste energy searching for a meal.

7.   Bell notes that if the pollution disappears, the sensitive strains might re-emerge to outcompete the resistant strains, which may have to waste energy to defeat the pollution.

8.   Albany should not waste its energies re-creating exemptions for a privileged few.

9.   But, for the moment, he is not wasting his energies on Clinton.

10.   Draskovic has stayed aloof from the dwindling rallies of the Alliance for Change, saying that they are senseless, will not bring down Milosevic and are wasting energy.

v. + energy >>共 385
have 8.56%
conserve 5.78%
use 4.06%
save 3.90%
focus 3.63%
provide 3.02%
devote 2.45%
produce 2.18%
put 1.91%
expend 1.75%
waste 1.38%
waste + n. >>共 274
time 29.15%
money 11.23%
chance 5.93%
opportunity 5.86%
energy 2.83%
resource 2.41%
effort 1.72%
lot 1.72%
talent 1.59%
water 1.52%
每页显示:    共 41