1.   Last week, two Soviet-made warplanes zoomed over Georgia, which borders Chechnya, and dropped Soviet-made cluster bombs on a Georgian village.

2.   Last week, two Soviet-made warplanes zoomed over Georgia, which borders Chechnya, and dropped Soviet-made cluster bombs.

3.   Tanks and mobile missile launchers rolled along the broad suburban boulevard, and warplanes zoomed overhead.

4.   In Sarajevo, people craned their necks as warplanes zoomed over around noon.

5.   In Sarajevo, people craned their necks as warplanes zoomed over around noon, and several loud explosions followed in the Serb-held southwest suburbs.

n. + zoom >>共 117
camera 19.11%
price 5.33%
stock 4.89%
car 4.44%
ball 2.22%
helicopter 2.22%
warplane 2.22%
shuttle 1.78%
user 1.78%
market 1.33%
warplane + v. >>共 193
attack 12.67%
bomb 12.22%
fire 6.69%
strike 5.53%
raid 5.08%
blast 4.42%
fly 4.00%
launch 3.10%
pound 2.93%
carry 2.89%
zoom 0.21%
每页显示:    共 5