1.   In North America, global warming would probably bring some benefits.

2.   Many do not accept the scientific theory that global warming could bring about catastrophic climate change.

3.   Nor is it possible to say for sure that future global warming would bring back the large-scale droughts of the past.

4.   The panel predicted that the warming would bring widespread climatic, environmental and economic dislocation.

v. + bring >>共 223
be 6.73%
fighting 2.92%
win 2.34%
have 1.75%
gamble 1.75%
do 1.46%
go 1.17%
play 1.17%
write 1.17%
spending 1.17%
warming 1.17%
warming + v. >>共 93
be 36.39%
cause 7.91%
affect 3.48%
continue 3.16%
have 3.16%
occur 3.16%
increase 1.58%
become 1.27%
bring 1.27%
result 1.27%
每页显示:    共 4