1.   During the war years we were very short of backstage staff, so John was allowed to continue.

2.   During the war years, it helped keep our spirits up and we need it again now.

3.   Enrollment had risen sharply during the war years, and school traditions reflected a country at war.

4.   He remembered the food shortages of the war years.

5.   Inge kept a diary during the war years.

6.   My favorite memory from the war years.

7.   Nothing much happened with the Kings River and Kern River projects during the middle war years.

8.   Of course, there is no way that the United States could replicate the forced draft economy of those war years.

9.   She worked for the BBC during the war years.

n. + year >>共 671
election 25.51%
freshman 8.81%
sophomore 6.45%
rookie 3.19%
war 3.09%
banner 2.51%
college 1.85%
model 1.72%
option 1.67%
tax 1.39%
war + n. >>共 664
zone 12.11%
effort 7.06%
veteran 6.49%
hero 4.14%
plane 2.73%
story 2.39%
victim 2.23%
year 2.18%
front 1.93%
prisoner 1.87%
每页显示:    共 121