1.   War toys make children less sensitive to the harsh realities of war.

2.   But after a lifetime of hearing about why war toys are bad for kids, Jonah figured his father would throw it out, and he did.

3.   But as war toys fell out of favor, Parris added bunk beds to its production line.

4.   But, he added, the company would not abandon war toys.

5.   Is it harmful for children to play with war toys?

6.   Psychiatrists point out that children have played with war toys throughout time, turning sticks into swords, ferns into spears, wood scraps into rifles.

7.   This can be hardest when our sons are in preschool, the age when they are most insistent about wanting war toys.

8.   Who will buy a war toy out of a vague sense that doing so is somehow patriotic?

n. + toy >>共 169
sex 8.33%
high-tech 4.84%
windup 2.69%
cat 2.42%
water 2.15%
giveaway 2.15%
war 2.15%
boy 2.15%
rubber 2.15%
chew 2.15%
war + n. >>共 664
zone 12.11%
effort 7.06%
veteran 6.49%
hero 4.14%
plane 2.73%
story 2.39%
victim 2.23%
year 2.18%
front 1.93%
prisoner 1.87%
toy 0.14%
每页显示:    共 8