1.   As it has nearly all week, the concern about anthrax eclipsed the news on the war front.

2.   Behind him is an embankment that marks a mass grave for soldiers who preceded him on the war front.

3.   But if history repeats we likely will claim more success on the war front than on the slopes.

4.   Complications also abounded on the war front in Afghanistan.

5.   Guterson tells harrowing stories from the war front, where Ishmael loses his arm, as well as from the internment camps, where Hatsue consummates her marriage.

6.   He said the veterans wanted to recreate the highly spiritual atmosphere that pervaded the Iraqi war front.

7.   It was a warm and quiet day in Bosnia, the kind of day perfect for digging up Serbian-planted land mines from the war front.

8.   News from the war front Monday hardly signaled any change.

9.   On the war front, Pentagon officials said that the airstrikes against Taliban front-line troops were intended in part to choke off their fuel, food and other supplies.

10.   On the war front, American warplanes continued to pound Taliban targets in Afghanistan.

n. + front >>共 459
war 7.76%
battle 4.60%
nine 4.24%
storm 3.31%
shop 2.66%
eight-man 2.44%
inflation 2.37%
store 2.23%
weather 1.65%
job 1.58%
war + n. >>共 664
zone 12.11%
effort 7.06%
veteran 6.49%
hero 4.14%
plane 2.73%
story 2.39%
victim 2.23%
year 2.18%
front 1.93%
prisoner 1.87%
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