1.   They can either draw their contribution directly on to the paper, or they can stick their drawings on to a large wall map.

2.   They can zero in on this big wall map and pick any phone they want, and record the conversation.

3.   The unflappable teacher never even blinked when the wall map came crashing down.

4.   Woolley went over to the wall map.

5.   They can either draw their contribution directly onto the paper, or they can stick their drawings onto a large wall map.

6.   Another temporary solution is construction of an East Front kiosk with staff to answer questions, detailed wall maps of Capitol Hill, and other general information.

7.   At State, several offices still have wall maps that include the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, although the USSR collapsed six years ago.

8.   Edgy leaders swagger through underground bunkers guzzling black coffee, their chiseled faces half lit by the eerie glow of giant electronic wall maps.

9.   Everyone jumped when Monty suddenly whacked a wall map of France with his swagger stick.

10.   He dates back to an era when forecasters used Magic Markers on wall maps, yet he was a pioneer.

n. + map >>共 328
world 6.95%
trail 3.64%
locator 3.21%
tourist 3.10%
paper 3.10%
city 2.78%
wall 2.46%
route 2.35%
genome 1.93%
color 1.39%
wall + n. >>共 321
space 4.95%
paint 3.95%
covering 3.61%
clock 3.44%
panel 3.27%
text 3.02%
cavity 2.85%
socket 2.18%
outlet 2.10%
tile 1.93%
map 1.93%
每页显示:    共 23