1.   The advantage of walking to work is that I get some exercise.

2.   Try to increase the amount of exercise you get, perhaps by walking to work.

3.   Alla Zelikovsky walks to work on Fifth Avenue every day wrapped in a long, silky mink coat.

4.   Do they want me to walk to work on Saturdays too?

5.   He was too weak to walk to work on the newly built railway designed to supply the Japanese Imperial Army in Burma.

6.   He walked to work to save the nickel for the ride.

7.   He was walking to work in the Old Executive Office Building next to the White House.

8.   Hours after Wible watched the second plane slam into the south tower as she walked to work on West Broadway, the calendar was empty.

9.   Humphreville, who lives near the financial district, walked to work every day through the trade center.

10.   If we wrote the show in New York, when you walk to work, you would have seen something.

v. + work >>共 310
return 47.94%
put 6.22%
be 2.81%
walk 2.81%
will 2.06%
head 1.96%
spend 1.55%
commute 1.55%
travel 1.15%
have 0.85%
walk + v. >>共 181
load 29.15%
work 7.89%
lead 7.89%
bring 2.25%
get 2.25%
start 2.11%
feel 1.97%
open 1.83%
school 1.69%
shake 1.27%
每页显示:    共 56