1.   Although voucher proponents have lobbied hard for the proposal, Bush said, opponents have been successful in presenting their side.

2.   As they regroup, voucher proponents are attributing their losses to tactical miscues and problems with public relations.

3.   After studying privately donated tuition programs in three cities, a team of voucher proponents recently announced that poor children who transfer to private schools succeed.

4.   All of those factors have voucher opponents smiling and voucher proponents scurrying for additional support.

5.   Even some voucher proponents who once argued for universal subsidies now say the programs should be focused on city schools.

6.   If such a voucher plan were approved, you can bet that voucher proponents would soon attempt to expand it to include families with higher incomes.

7.   It fails to recognize the desire of many voucher proponents to add religious content to public education.

8.   Meanwhile, voucher proponents found that one of the biggest obstacles to their goal is the fact that public schools have responded to the standards set by the state.

9.   Voucher proponents may say they are promoting parental choice, he said, but they are really just trying to get public money for religious organizations.

10.   Voucher proponents say such programs are needed.

n. + proponent >>共 146
voucher 5.04%
say 3.88%
right 3.88%
abortion 2.71%
gun-control 2.33%
gun 2.33%
playoff 1.94%
tax 1.94%
death-penalty 1.94%
stadium 1.94%
voucher + n. >>共 76
program 33.89%
plan 12.36%
system 11.94%
proposal 5.14%
issue 2.36%
amendment 2.22%
opponent 2.08%
supporter 2.08%
movement 1.81%
proponent 1.81%
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