1.   Ed Goeas, a Republican pollster, said that of all the issues that voters rank as important, one, declining moral values, hurts Gore the most.

2.   Mirroring views held nationally, voters here rank education far ahead of taxes as an election-year concern.

3.   Political scientists such as Linda Fowler of Dartmouth College and pollsters such as Breglio say most voters do not rank abortion as a top issue when choosing a candidate.

4.   Pre-election polls show that voters rank education second only to the global economic crisis as their most important concern.

5.   Public public opinion polls show that voters rank education second only to the global economic crisis as their top concern.

6.   The Dole campaign is encouraged by a new survey showing that voters rank taxes as the number-one issue in the presidential campaign.

7.   These days, voters often rank experience and integrity as the two most important characteristics that they seek in a candidate.

8.   Under the system of proportional representation, voters rank their choices for the nine-member boards, one through nine.

9.   Voters generally rank foreign policy near the bottom when they are asked which issues matter most to them.

10.   Voters rank education as their top concern in the election, according to polls.

n. + rank >>共 445
company 3.90%
state 3.66%
team 2.68%
magazine 1.95%
defense 1.46%
country 1.34%
student 1.34%
voter 1.34%
survey 1.22%
area 1.22%
voter + v. >>共 800
be 12.12%
have 4.28%
approve 3.80%
say 3.40%
reject 3.04%
choose 2.64%
cast 2.29%
want 2.15%
decide 2.12%
go 2.03%
rank 0.12%
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