1.   Both courts said that vote counters should be given leeway to try to figure out what each voters intent was.

2.   Both houses are expected to vote on the amendment next month, and vote counters of both parties say the outcome is too close to call.

3.   But he is still waiting on vote counters and judges in Florida to submit a bid to the White House.

4.   But that still would leave thousands of challenged ballots, dimpled and otherwise, that have been set aside by the vote counters for consideration by the canvassing board.

5.   Candidates worked the phones through the weekend and Republican offices on Capitol Hill were unusually packed with staff members and vote counters for a Saturday in a Congressional recess.

6.   Each ballot has to be verified for accuracy by vote counters.

7.   Either the candidates themselves are overstating their status as a public relations ploy to get more votes, or members are misleading the would-be vote counters.

8.   Fazio, the chief vote counter for House Democrats, consulted with Clinton at the White House.

9.   Florida law says that voter intent should be the guiding principle of vote counters.

10.   Georgi Satarov, an adviser to Yeltsin, said the proposed law would have enabled the Communists to mob the polling stations and put pressure on the vote counters.

n. + counter >>共 273
kitchen 12.61%
ticket 10.86%
checkout 6.34%
lunch 4.60%
run 4.12%
vote 3.73%
check-in 3.33%
meat 3.09%
deli 1.74%
cosmetic 1.51%
vote + n. >>共 242
count 28.53%
fraud 11.24%
total 8.61%
tally 6.25%
rigging 5.65%
result 3.75%
recount 3.48%
counter 3.09%
cast 0.99%
came 0.92%
每页显示:    共 47