1.   Most charities depend on the services of volunteer workers.

2.   Volunteer workers moved into the area to set up a water supply and committees of local people to run it.

3.   A year after the Darlington Help Furniture project was launched, volunteer workers are still busy organising furniture switches throughout the town.

4.   Joyce Standing, a community centre volunteer worker, said a bus ban would have made life impossible for many residents.

5.   At the corner of Liberty and Church streets, a volunteer worker was less impressed.

6.   Besides requiring petition circulators to be registered voters, the law says they must wear badges identifying themselves as paid or volunteer workers.

7.   Bittner, who had originally hoped to land a job at a newspaper, will instead become a volunteer health care worker in West Africa.

8.   Building-trades and hotel unions also provided scores of volunteer workers.

a. + worker >>共 830
foreign 4.63%
postal 3.69%
emergency 2.72%
migrant 2.36%
american 2.36%
state 2.23%
skilled 2.00%
striking 1.81%
palestinian 1.71%
illegal 1.70%
volunteer 0.31%
volunteer + n. >>共 431
work 10.67%
group 5.09%
firefighter 5.03%
effort 3.32%
worker 3.32%
program 3.10%
organization 2.43%
coach 1.83%
service 1.71%
fireman 1.55%
每页显示:    共 60