1.   Because multicasting is still experimental and not well known outside the scientific and academic communities, voluntary guidelines have been sufficient so far.

2.   Big airlines staved off the legislation by adopting voluntary guidelines, which vary slightly by carrier.

3.   Bush is emphasizing state regulations, voluntary guidelines and greater access to public lands for mining, logging, grazing and drilling.

4.   Early figures of a new national survey on playground injuries show that the voluntary guidelines seem to be having a modest impact.

5.   For their part, White House aides predicted that meeting the voluntary guidelines would become an eye-catching industry selling point.

6.   For three years now, the commission has been studying the question of whether to issue regulations or voluntary guidelines.

7.   In addition, the FDA proposed voluntary guidelines for companies wishing to state whether their products were made with, or without, ingredients developed through biotechnology.

8.   In Britain, voluntary guidelines have removed figures like the Marlboro Man from Philip Morris ads.

9.   In the end, Justice Department officials signed off on the voluntary guidelines after winning some wording changes, people involved in the process said.

10.   Industry leaders have advocated voluntary guidelines for safer plant operations.

a. + guideline >>共 455
new 19.54%
federal 9.26%
sentencing 5.99%
strict 5.19%
voluntary 2.18%
clear 1.96%
current 1.74%
stricter 1.71%
specific 1.63%
ethical 1.38%
voluntary + n. >>共 532
basis 4.00%
repatriation 2.96%
program 2.80%
contribution 2.77%
organisation 2.55%
compliance 2.29%
sector 2.26%
organization 2.00%
agency 1.97%
guideline 1.93%
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