1.   Voyager data also showed that the volcanoes belch sulfurous fumes.

2.   Aside from the geysers, the volcano has occasionally belched smoke and muddy water in a vent that appeared to be bubbling, Punongbayan said.

3.   Estilloso said he and the others became separated when the ground shook and the volcano belched rocks and other debris.

4.   In November, the volcano belched columns of ash during a series of minor eruptions.

5.   Moreover, three volcanoes have belched large eruptions in the past four months.

6.   On Thursday night, the volcano belched ash and small rocks, which were blown by the wind toward the northwest of the island.

7.   The crater area of Mount Etna was declared off-limits Sunday to tourists after the volcano belched chunks of lava.

8.   The Mount Ruapehu volcano belched back to life again early Saturday, spewing out a column of ash and lava bombs around its base.

9.   Volcanoes belch carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas that causes the atmosphere to heat up.

10.   A volcano belched a cloud of ash over the tiny Caribbean island of Montserrat, blanketing the main town and sending jitters through the population, residents said.

n. + belch >>共 32
volcano 21.28%
smoke 8.51%
factory 6.38%
cistern 4.26%
barrel 2.13%
belly 2.13%
bus 2.13%
cattle 2.13%
chimney 2.13%
cloud 2.13%
volcano + v. >>共 112
erupt 16.74%
be 12.79%
spew 5.81%
begin 3.95%
threaten 3.02%
belch 2.33%
produce 2.09%
become 2.09%
rumble 1.86%
cause 1.86%
每页显示:    共 10