1.   Many volcanoes begin bulging noticeably prior to an eruption.

2.   A British warship has been stationed off Montserrat for a possible evacuation since the Soufriere Hills volcano began showing signs of activity in mid-July.

3.   A volcano has begun spouting ash and smoke over an island in the Russian Far East north of Japan, a Russian Earth Physics Institute official said Friday.

4.   A warship has been stationed there for a possible evacuation since the Soufriere Hills volcano began showing signs of activity in mid-July.

5.   In November, after months of silence, the volcano began spewing molten rock.

6.   Late last month the volcano began emitting intermittent plumes of dust, ash and steam.

7.   Late last month, the volcano began emitting intermittent plumes of dust, ash and steam.

8.   On Thursday Radio Rwanda reported that the second volcano had begun to erupt.

9.   The two were found on the northeastern side of Mount Etna, on the opposite side from where the volcano began erupting last month.

10.   Villagers were forced to evacuate a tiny volcanic island in eastern Indonesia when a nearby volcano began to spew thick ashes, a report said Monday.

n. + begin >>共 1326
company 1.92%
talk 1.47%
season 1.44%
trial 1.32%
government 1.26%
official 1.15%
people 1.01%
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game 0.72%
volcano 0.03%
volcano + v. >>共 112
erupt 16.74%
be 12.79%
spew 5.81%
begin 3.95%
threaten 3.02%
belch 2.33%
produce 2.09%
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