1.   Behind us loomed the low volcanic crater, Eldborg, that had spawned this wasteland.

2.   Lake Nyos and Lake Monoun are crater lakes, formed as cooled volcanic craters filled with water.

3.   Robots are crawling through volcanic craters, slaving away on assembly lines, and pulling dangerous shifts with the bomb squad.

4.   The crew live in hotels, tents and a luxury liner anchored in the bay, which was once a volcanic crater.

5.   A third flow was also coming from a volcanic crater on the Rwandan border.

6.   A third flow was coming from a new volcanic crater on the Rwandan border.

7.   Among the new images is a close-up look at the volcanic crater Tupan Patera, named for the Brazilian god of thunder.

8.   Bright red lava shot into the air Saturday from a new volcanic crater in eastern Congo, sending fresh lava into the center of Goma.

9.   Conservationists have closed a deal to buy and protect a wildlife-rich volcanic crater in Arizona.

10.   Hundreds of residents from surrounding villages, hearing rumors of a flood in a nearby volcanic crater, also fled to Sungaipenuh, said Ngatimin, the municipal worker.

a. + crater >>共 126
huge 14.12%
large 12.71%
small 8.19%
deep 5.37%
volcanic 4.80%
giant 3.39%
lunar 2.54%
new 1.41%
largest 1.41%
flat 1.13%
volcanic + n. >>共 202
activity 21.11%
eruption 16.50%
ash 8.54%
rock 7.45%
debris 3.85%
island 3.43%
crater 1.42%
mountain 1.34%
dust 1.26%
soil 1.26%
每页显示:    共 17