1.   Anyone who voices support for a banned organisation is liable to be jailed.

2.   Bob Dole, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, last month voiced support for the same amendment, sponsored by Sen.

3.   So only half of these experts voiced support for the Baldrige as it is.

4.   The president has already voiced his support for the proposal.

5.   Trish voiced her support for the vice-presidential campaign of Gerlandine Ferraro.

6.   True, railway workers in Moscow and air-traffic controllers have voiced support.

7.   That gives water to the mills of the right wing radicals and the Neo Fascists party in Germany and they right wing radicals have already voiced their support.

8.   Although the call included no specifics, it was the first time the governor voiced his support for any overhaul of the laws governing the financing of campaigns.

9.   Also voicing support were Sens. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., Sam Brownback, R-Kan., and Paul Sarbanes, D-Md.

10.   Although the Shooting Sports Foundation does not plan to endorse a candidate, its members are voicing support for Bush.

v. + support >>共 379
have 9.21%
win 5.39%
express 5.29%
provide 4.64%
receive 3.65%
seek 3.13%
get 2.63%
give 2.62%
offer 2.36%
gain 2.31%
voice 2.31%
voice + n. >>共 286
concern 24.59%
support 12.06%
opposition 5.50%
hope 4.08%
fear 3.57%
opinion 3.34%
doubt 2.58%
optimism 2.06%
confidence 2.06%
objection 1.81%
每页显示:    共 517