1.   Another voice intruded into the conversation.

2.   But at no point did their voices intrude on the hushed Assembly chamber where the governor was speaking.

3.   She was concentrating on a short story she was writing about her sister Nomi when a familiar voice intruded.

4.   Strange voices often intrude on conversations and it can take precious minutes to get a free, though often static-ridden, line.

n. + intrude >>共 157
reality 8.40%
politics 6.80%
government 3.60%
war 3.20%
event 2.00%
life 2.00%
world 2.00%
voice 1.60%
aircraft 1.20%
camera 1.20%
voice + v. >>共 553
be 32.27%
sound 3.19%
rise 2.86%
come 2.67%
have 2.48%
crack 2.05%
trail 1.47%
grow 1.23%
become 1.20%
tell 1.17%
intrude 0.11%
每页显示:    共 4