1.   He went to the refrigerator, took out a tray of ice cubes, built himself a vodka tonic.

2.   Her friend Ismail Merchant, the film producer, refreshes with a vodka tonic brightened with mint, lemon juice and a tiny scattering of red pepper flakes.

3.   Jim poured himself another vodka tonic.

4.   Jim was watching TV, drinking one vodka tonic after the other.

5.   Relaxed after a rare round of golf, Del Ponte has ordered a vodka tonic and a pizza.

6.   Vodka tonic?

n. + tonic >>共 26
health 26.92%
vodka 11.54%
hair 7.69%
lifesaving 5.77%
skin 5.77%
brain 3.85%
campaign 1.92%
celery 1.92%
cough 1.92%
economy 1.92%
vodka + n. >>共 67
bottle 13.29%
martini 8.23%
ad 3.80%
price 3.80%
tonic 3.80%
toast 3.16%
company 2.53%
market 2.53%
brand 2.53%
maker 2.53%
每页显示:    共 6