1.   I loved listening to his vivid descriptions of life in Italy.

2.   I thought of the vivid description with which Omar had burdened my memory.

3.   If a story was written skillfully enough to include vivid descriptions, Louisa pictured them in her mind.

4.   In Lewis Percy by Anita Brookner there is a vivid description of such a situation.

5.   The book contains some vivid descriptions of his childhood.

6.   He has a real gift for vivid description.

7.   He gave a vivid description of the scene.

8.   Outside there were tales of Westerners hiding in cupboards and vivid descriptions of Kuwait as a city under siege.

9.   His characters come alive between dialogue and vivid descriptions.

10.   Her autobiography has vivid descriptions of music, even of the acoustics in Carnegie Hall years ago.

a. + description >>共 448
detailed 9.60%
brief 5.56%
accurate 3.32%
apt 2.53%
physical 2.45%
general 2.31%
better 2.02%
graphic 2.02%
good 1.95%
full 1.59%
vivid 1.52%
vivid + n. >>共 353
memory 9.52%
picture 4.33%
color 3.82%
example 3.40%
imagination 3.06%
reminder 2.80%
detail 2.72%
image 2.72%
description 1.78%
dream 1.70%
每页显示:    共 21