1.   As a result, some alternative therapists recommend mega- vitamin therapy.

2.   Remember to see your doctor before undertaking vitamin therapy.

3.   That blanket term includes such unconventional medical therapies and practices as acupuncture, vitamin therapy, therapeutic massage, herbs and hydrotherapy.

4.   They did vitamin therapy and reiki, a channeling of energy, on Josh.

5.   She is among those who believe Down syndrome develops after birth and can be slowed or halted with vitamin therapies and drugs like Piracetam.

n. + therapy >>共 340
gene 23.12%
drug 12.90%
radiation 7.03%
combination 5.33%
hormone 4.89%
cancer 2.64%
massage 2.58%
estrogen 1.59%
rehabilitation 1.32%
music 1.21%
vitamin 0.27%
vitamin + n. >>共 77
supplement 26.15%
deficiency 13.07%
pill 9.19%
tablet 2.83%
company 2.83%
content 2.83%
therapy 1.77%
maker 1.77%
supplementation 1.77%
industry 1.41%
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