1.   Even fresh food, if stored for long periods, will lose its vitamin content.

2.   Never use aluminium as poisonous seepage will react with the plant alkaloids and its vitamin content, thus damaging the therapeutic properties.

3.   Does it have the same vitamin content as a fruit that looks good?

4.   In recent years, a top priority has been to increase the vitamin content and especially the antioxidant chemicals of targeted vegetables so that they provide maximum health benefits.

5.   It did not study other common types of alterations, such as adding genes to make plants herbicide-resistant or to improve their vitamin content.

6.   It did not study other common types of alterations, such as adding genes to make plants herbicide-resistant or improve their vitamin content.

7.   As I recall, my grandmother would always fry with palm oil because of the vitamin content.

8.   The evaluation of vitamin contents was conducted by the Industrial Technology Development Institute of the Department of Science and Technology.

n. + content >>共 297
alcohol 8.34%
sugar 4.38%
moisture 4.38%
water 3.34%
information 2.40%
protein 2.40%
drug 2.29%
course 2.19%
sulfur 2.19%
sulphur 1.88%
vitamin 0.83%
vitamin + n. >>共 77
supplement 26.15%
deficiency 13.07%
pill 9.19%
tablet 2.83%
company 2.83%
content 2.83%
therapy 1.77%
maker 1.77%
supplementation 1.77%
industry 1.41%
每页显示:    共 8