1.   Beijing immediately curtailed the visit of a visiting Chinese military delegation, and has underlined its disapproval by canceling a number of other trips.

2.   A visiting Seattle delegation says Singapore offers some valuable lessons on public transport.

3.   Afterward, there is a White House reception for visiting delegation and their U.S. counterparts.

4.   Dong Keun Lee, a South Korean editor of The Korea Central Daily newspaper, met and talked with some of the visiting delegation members.

5.   Federal Reserve Bank officials on Thursday explained to a visiting Russian delegation how the United States borrows money by selling bonds.

6.   He stopped all campaigning last week and now spends his days in a heavily guarded house in a village outside Grozny, receiving visiting delegations of village elders.

7.   His lists also included Supreme Court justices, as well as ambassadors and visiting delegations of American Indians.

8.   Instead, he went to his beach-front headquarters in Gaza City to welcome a visiting European Union delegation led by the French foreign minister, Alain Juppe.

9.   Neither the visiting American delegation nor the Vietnamese authorities, it seems, had anticipated their numbers or their enthusiasm.

10.   Mrs. Lee was a secretary at Los Alamos who often met visiting Chinese delegations.

a. + delegation >>共 470
congressional 6.24%
russian 6.02%
high-level 4.04%
israeli 4.01%
palestinian 3.38%
chinese 2.86%
official 2.55%
large 2.30%
the 2.28%
north_korean 2.27%
visiting 1.75%
visiting + n. >>共 556
team 8.18%
dignitary 4.57%
delegation 3.78%
leader 3.43%
relative 2.82%
official 2.78%
head 2.39%
scholar 2.36%
journalist 2.14%
hour 2.03%
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