1.   For Musharraf, the visit marked a way station in his transformation of Pakistan from a country whose government nurtured the Taliban and sheltered Islamic extremist groups.

2.   The high-level visits mark the first warming in relations since China bitterly criticized the U.S. for allowing Taiwanese President Lee Teng Hui to travel to the U.S. in June.

3.   The nine-day Clinton visit marked a modest gain for relations between the United States and China, which were dangerously frayed as recently as two years ago.

4.   The visit marks the first time the Senate committee has held such a joint meeting on foreign soil.

5.   The visit marks the second local stop in a week by the two main presidential campaigns.

6.   The triumphant Washington visit marked the emergence of a newly self-confident Azerbaijan.

7.   Those visits mark a compelling turnabout since the days when Soviet client states trained anti-Israeli terrorists.

8.   Visits mark one of the rare opportunities for death row inmates to leave the death row building.

9.   Arafat is due to travel to Damascus, Syria, on Tuesday, a crucial visit marking a possible thaw in two decades of frosty relations with Syria.

10.   Both sides agreed the state visit marked a new era in bilateral relations.

n. + mark >>共 1248
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decision 1.44%
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visit + v. >>共 371
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