1.   And while no one has studied how his visits have helped patients, Schooler sees it weekly in eyes and smiles.

2.   But some have pulled him aside years later and disclosed how their visits helped in creating new products.

3.   Clinton administration officials in Washington said the Lake visit has helped put relations on a more positive track.

4.   Danes who came to see Clinton said his visit helps to focus attention on the small Scandinavian nation.

5.   For the Iranians, the visit helps rehabilitate their global image.

6.   In an unexpected way, visits to Tlacuitapa help reinforce the U.S. identity of the U.S.-born generation.

7.   One wonders if conjugal visits will help.

8.   Some church experts hope the visit will at least help retrigger those stalled talks.

9.   Your Web site visits may help you shoot under par, but to the company they may be an indicator of a different kind of sub-par performance.

10.   A visit would help advance China-Taiwan ties, but Lien would accept no specific preconditions from Beijing, Lee said.

n. + help >>共 1529
government 1.38%
program 1.12%
money 1.11%
rate 1.05%
dollar 0.99%
move 0.96%
company 0.83%
group 0.62%
system 0.62%
technology 0.59%
visit 0.21%
visit + v. >>共 371
be 34.40%
come 8.41%
take 4.04%
follow 2.66%
coincide 1.83%
have 1.83%
help 1.73%
include 1.67%
mark 1.48%
begin 1.35%
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