1.   My visit coincided with particularly good September weather, after an appallingly wet summer.

2.   His visit coincided with a visit to Beirut by the former Italian Prime Minister, Bettino Craxi, acting on behalf of the UN Secretary-General Javier Prez de Cuellar.

3.   His visit coincided with the lifting of the last French economic sanctions.

4.   His visit coincided with press reports that Israel had passed on US arms technology to third countries, including China.

5.   The visit coincided with the initiation of a Turkish television channel broadcasting Turkish language programmes to these republics.

6.   According to one Washington Post account, his visits occasionally coincided with major fund-raising events attended by Clinton.

7.   But Salapuddin noted that his visits coincided with the emergence of the Abu Sayyaf group.

8.   His visit coincides with maneuvers by British warships with Oman, placing a British presence alongside the American deployment there.

9.   His visit coincides with pre-arranged naval maneuvers by British warships with Oman, bringing a British naval presence alongside the U.S. deployment there.

10.   His visit also coincides with the start of U.S. military training of the Nigerian peacekeepers, who bear the main burden of maintaining order in Sierra Leone.

n. + coincide >>共 412
visit 5.47%
attack 3.84%
announcement 3.55%
move 1.92%
protest 1.82%
report 1.82%
trip 1.73%
strike 1.73%
date 1.63%
meeting 1.44%
visit + v. >>共 371
be 34.40%
come 8.41%
take 4.04%
follow 2.66%
coincide 1.83%
have 1.83%
help 1.73%
include 1.67%
mark 1.48%
begin 1.35%
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