1.   The virtual tour includes multimedia displays demonstrating how the Market works.

2.   The website allows you to take a virtual tour of the art gallery.

3.   The Web site provides a virtual tour of the stadium.

4.   Also available are applications such as JesusTracks, which offers Christians a virtual tour of the Holy Land.

5.   America Online, the second stop on our virtual tour of cyberspace, is the most ambitious and aggressive of the popular online information services.

6.   And for anyone planning a vacation, the Internet holds the promise of virtual tours of a hotel or resort.

7.   And many Internet sites offer virtual tours of hotels or resorts.

8.   Anderson likes to speak of virtual tours of virtual museums -- just the sort of talk that elicits shudders from traditionalists.

9.   A free virtual tour, on the public computers in the Reading Room, enables you to print images.

10.   A fraction offer virtual tours on CD-ROM.

a. + tour >>共 1109
european 6.43%
guided 4.00%
asian 2.97%
walking 2.74%
first 2.57%
regional 2.27%
african 2.27%
current 1.94%
senior 1.87%
national 1.55%
virtual 0.81%
virtual + n. >>共 1241
reality 9.95%
world 2.89%
standstill 2.74%
monopoly 2.67%
unknown 1.92%
tour 1.48%
certainty 1.46%
tie 1.38%
pet 1.26%
prisoner 1.14%
每页显示:    共 60