1.   And at Decca, too, he began as a keyboardist, accompanying Georg Kulenkampff in violin sonatas by Beethoven, Brahms and Mozart.

2.   He recently wrote violin sonatas for Shaham and Young Uck Kim and song cycles for Ms. Bonney and Sylvia McNair.

3.   In one famous if possibly apocryphal story, Fritz Kreisler had a memory slip while playing a Beethoven violin sonata with Sergei Rachmaninoff.

4.   Pierre Amoyal and Jeremy Menuhin commissioned her to write a violin sonata.

5.   Swann, who knows nothing about music, first hears the violin sonata played at a salon.

n. + sonata >>共 9
violin 35.71%
duo 14.29%
chamber 7.14%
clarinet 7.14%
guitar 7.14%
harpsichord 7.14%
keyboard 7.14%
string 7.14%
trio 7.14%
violin + n. >>共 66
music 9.05%
concerto 8.62%
lesson 6.90%
case 6.03%
soloist 5.60%
maker 5.17%
solo 5.17%
section 4.31%
teacher 3.02%
virtuoso 3.02%
sonata 2.16%
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