1.   If the village priest tried to intervene, he would be overrun, trampled, cursed by the crowd.

2.   He is refused hospitality by the rich village priest, who lives with a concubine.

3.   A peasant catches two partridges, takes them home to his wife to cook and sets off to invite the village priest to join them.

4.   And although no one stirred up the locals over the presence of Jewish children, the village priest took no chances.

5.   In the far, cold expanses, they knock hockey pucks around the ponds, the village priest sometimes acting as referee.

6.   Wednesday is given over to visits by the village priest, who blesses the flour and eggs destined to become Easter breads.

7.   Another village priest is awaiting trial for possessing a pistol unlawfully.

8.   Demonstrators also accused police of trampling over the elderly Perea village priest.

9.   Earlier, a village priest was unfrocked for abandoning his wife and family to live with a Romanian stripper.

10.   Just as she was becoming a teen-ager, the village priest kissed her on the mouth.

n. + priest >>共 76
parish 40.09%
woman 18.94%
pedophile 11.23%
village 3.74%
temple 2.42%
head 2.20%
paedophile 1.32%
trainee 1.32%
town 1.10%
model 0.66%
village + n. >>共 559
chief 4.19%
elder 4.15%
leader 3.43%
life 3.43%
guard 3.15%
official 2.79%
hall 2.44%
street 2.44%
school 2.40%
woman 2.16%
priest 0.68%
每页显示:    共 17