1.   Clarke engaged in a vigorous debate with the doctors but found public sympathy running against him.

2.   There then followed two days of vigorous debate, which culminated in the presentation of the proposed constitutional amendment by Charles Stenholm, a conservative Democrat from Texas.

3.   Already, a vigorous debate is stirring Episcopalians across the nation.

4.   As it should, the windfall has produced a vigorous debate about what to do with it.

5.   At the very least, such changes deserve the kind of vigorous debate that New Yorkers do so well.

6.   At this point, there is a vigorous debate among astronomers about whether Hyakutake or Hale-Bopp holds the greater promise.

7.   Before the decision, department officials had vigorous debates among themselves on what position the administration should take.

8.   A comparable insurance aid package has stalled in the Senate over a vigorous debate about whether to include tort law revisions.

9.   Affirmative action is also the subject of vigorous debate in the states.

10.   All of a sudden, a vigorous debate is under way, and it may shape the global economy for decades to come.

a. + debate >>共 545
public 6.09%
national 4.36%
political 4.30%
presidential 4.18%
heated 3.99%
televised 3.29%
parliamentary 2.77%
first 2.68%
intense 1.76%
fierce 1.46%
vigorous 0.56%
vigorous + n. >>共 449
campaign 6.49%
exercise 4.40%
debate 4.18%
defense 3.58%
activity 2.39%
growth 2.39%
effort 2.31%
opposition 2.01%
competition 1.72%
enforcement 1.57%
每页显示:    共 56