1.   Among those expected to vie to replace him are Republican Reps. Henry Bonilla and Joe Barton.

2.   DeFrantz is one of five candidates vying to replace Samaranch.

3.   Four Democrats, including Public Advocate Mark Green, and two Republicans, including media mogul Michael Bloomberg, are vying to replace Giuliani.

4.   Mississippi Republican Sen. Thad Cochran, one of two senators vying to replace Dole as majority leader, said he is sure the Senate will back renewal.

5.   Two Senate Democrats are vying to replace retiring Senate Democratic Leader George Mitchell, D-Me.

6.   Both are vying to replace Republican Gov. Ed Schafer, who is retiring after two terms.

7.   Mexico and the Dominican Republic are vying to replace Jamaica on the council.

8.   Seiroku Kajiyama, one of three candidates vying to replace resigning Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto, warned of the looming disaster in a rare news conference with foreign media.

9.   Ten candidates are vying to replace President Fidel Ramos, who is constitutionally banned from a second six-year term.

10.   The WLOX-TV debate was the final stop of a hectic day of campaigning for the men vying to replace Gov. Kirk Fordice.

v. + replace >>共 163
use 10.47%
vie 3.95%
build 3.49%
be 3.26%
install 3.26%
promote 3.02%
cost 2.56%
develop 2.09%
set_up 2.09%
introduce 1.63%
vie + v. >>共 110
become 9.51%
be 8.37%
replace 6.46%
succeed 5.70%
make 3.80%
host 3.04%
provide 2.28%
sell 2.28%
win 1.90%
get 1.90%
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