1.   An all-white jury acquitted the defendants, despite videotaped evidence which documented the killings in detail.

2.   There were serious objections to using the videotaped evidence at the trial.

3.   The Attorney General immediately requested that Pedro Collor hand over his videotaped evidence.

4.   He said the videotaped evidence was as solid as he could have hoped.

5.   Previous statements of witnesses can be displayed during testimony, and videotaped evidence, like depositions, can also be shown.

6.   Safeway went to court Tuesday armed with videotaped evidence and witnesses ready to testify against the Teamsters, company spokesman David Bowlby said.

7.   Ten days of BAA investigation produced no videotaped evidence of the Murphys.

8.   The measure was passed despite videotaped evidence that members of the assembly were bribed by drug traffickers, who feared stiffer penalties in the United States.

9.   Videotaped evidence showing suspicious movements by others in the crowd was not pursued.

10.   He urged courts to take a more sympathetic stance toward child victims by scrapping intrusive cross examination and allowing videotaped evidence on a routine basis.

a. + evidence >>共 460
new 8.46%
scientific 3.64%
further 3.57%
insufficient 3.55%
physical 3.36%
anecdotal 2.91%
sufficient 2.71%
hard 2.41%
clear 1.95%
strong 1.82%
videotaped 0.11%
videotaped + n. >>共 118
testimony 17.69%
deposition 10.43%
message 8.01%
interview 7.82%
statement 6.70%
confession 4.47%
beating 2.79%
evidence 2.61%
remark 1.49%
greeting 1.49%
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