1.   Many of us fall into a victim mentality, and blame all our troubles on other people.

2.   They all seem to have a kind of victim mentality, which makes them think that the world is permanently against them.

3.   We must not fall into the victim mentality and moan about what a miserable century this is.

4.   Among other things, Maxwell writes that African-Americans must stop their self-immolation and rid themselves of their paralyzing victim mentality.

5.   A victim mentality has been not only demeaning but dangerous for young people.

6.   FDR, who never gave up hope he could be healed, would be flabbergasted at the victim mentality that pervades American society now.

7.   We must stop the self-immolation and rid ourselves of our paralyzing victim mentality.

n. + mentality >>共 216
siege 11.90%
bunker 6.58%
herd 5.82%
football 2.53%
pack 1.77%
victim 1.77%
war 1.52%
mob 1.52%
fortress 1.27%
survivalist 1.27%
victim + n. >>共 181
group 8.06%
advocate 6.45%
fund 4.03%
status 2.42%
testimony 2.15%
mentality 1.88%
assistance 1.88%
compensation 1.61%
claim 1.61%
die 1.61%
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