1.   And because grown men rarely have their height checked, many are unaware of the inches they lose with age, the consequence of vertebral fractures caused by osteoporosis.

2.   And they are three times more prone to devastating hip and vertebral fractures.

3.   It is available as a nasal spray and approved for the treatment of osteoporosis, especially painful vertebral fractures.

4.   Studies thus far have shown that raloxifene helps to prevent vertebral fractures.

5.   Vertebral fractures result in lost height, a bent-over posture and often, chronic and debilitating pain.

6.   Vertebral fractures can lead to stooped posture, chronic pain or disability and can cause compression of the lungs and stomach.

a. + fracture >>共 124
hip 14.40%
small 6.79%
spinal 5.98%
facial 4.08%
double 3.26%
minor 2.45%
displaced 2.45%
slight 2.17%
suspected 1.90%
severe 1.90%
vertebral 1.63%
vertebral + n. >>共 8
fracture 33.33%
artery 27.78%
disc 11.11%
colon 5.56%
crush 5.56%
injury 5.56%
opening 5.56%
problem 5.56%
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